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Write a Move Package

To begin, open a terminal or console at the location you plan to store your package. Use the sui move new command to create an empty Move package with the name my_first_package:

$ sui move new my_first_package

Running the previous command creates a directory with the name you provide (my_first_package in this case). The command populates the new directory with a skeleton Move project that consists of a sources directory and a Move.toml manifest file. Open the manifest with a text editor to review its contents:

name = "my_first_package"
edition = "2024.beta" # edition = "legacy" to use legacy (pre-2024) Move
# license = "" # e.g., "MIT", "GPL", "Apache 2.0"
# authors = ["..."] # e.g., ["Joe Smith (", "John Snow ("]

Sui = { git = "", subdir = "crates/sui-framework/packages/sui-framework", rev = "framework/testnet" }

# For remote import, use the `{ git = "...", subdir = "...", rev = "..." }`.
# Revision can be a branch, a tag, and a commit hash.
# MyRemotePackage = { git = "https://some.remote/host.git", subdir = "remote/path", rev = "main" }

# For local dependencies use `local = path`. Path is relative to the package root
# Local = { local = "../path/to" }

# To resolve a version conflict and force a specific version for dependency
# override use `override = true`
# Override = { local = "../conflicting/version", override = true }

my_first_package = "0x0"

# Named addresses will be accessible in Move as `@name`. They're also exported:
# for example, `std = "0x1"` is exported by the Standard Library.
# alice = "0xA11CE"

# The dev-dependencies section allows overriding dependencies for `--test` and
# `--dev` modes. You can introduce test-only dependencies here.
# Local = { local = "../path/to/dev-build" }

# The dev-addresses section allows overwriting named addresses for the `--test`
# and `--dev` modes.
# alice = "0xB0B"

The manifest file contents include available sections of the manifest and comments that provide additional information. In Move, you prepend the hash mark (#) to a line to denote a comment.

  • [package]: Contains metadata for the package. By default, the sui move new command populates only the name value of the metadata. In this case, the example passes my_first_package to the command, which becomes the name of the package. You can delete the first # of subsequent lines of the [package] section to provide values for the other available metadata fields.
  • [dependencies]: Lists the other packages that your package depends on to run. By default, the sui move new command lists the Sui package on GitHub (Testnet version) as the lone dependency.
  • [addresses]: Declares named addresses that your package uses. By default, the section includes the package you create with the sui move new command and an address of 0x0. This value can be left as-is and indicates that package addresses are automatically managed when published and upgraded.
  • [dev-dependencies]: Includes only comments that describe the section.
  • [dev-addresses]: Includes only comments that describe the section.

Defining the package

You have a package now but it doesn't do anything. To make your package useful, you must add logic contained in .move source files that define modules. The sui move new command creates a .move file in the sources directory that defaults to the same name as your project (my_first_package.move in this case). For the purpose of this guide, rename the file to example.move and open it with a text editor.

Populate the example.move file with the following code:

module my_first_package::example;

// Part 1: These imports are provided by default
// use sui::object::{Self, UID};
// use sui::transfer;
// use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};

// Part 2: struct definitions
public struct Sword has key, store {
id: UID,
magic: u64,
strength: u64,

public struct Forge has key {
id: UID,
swords_created: u64,

// Part 3: Module initializer to be executed when this module is published
fun init(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let admin = Forge {
id: object::new(ctx),
swords_created: 0,

// Transfer the forge object to the module/package publisher
transfer::transfer(admin, ctx.sender());

// Part 4: Accessors required to read the struct fields
public fun magic(self: &Sword): u64 {

public fun strength(self: &Sword): u64 {

public fun swords_created(self: &Forge): u64 {

// Part 5: Public/entry functions (introduced later in the tutorial)

// Part 6: Tests

The comments in the preceding code highlight different parts of a typical Move source file.

  • Part 1: Imports - Code reuse is a necessity in modern programming. Move supports this concept with use aliases that allow your module to refer to types and functions declared in other modules. In this example, the module imports from object, transfer, and tx_context modules, but it does not need to do so explicitly, because the compiler provides these use statements by default. These modules are available to the package because the Move.toml file defines the Sui dependency (along with the sui named address) where they are defined.

  • Part 2: Struct declarations - Structs define types that a module can create or destroy. Struct definitions can include abilities provided with the has keyword. The structs in this example, for instance, have the key ability, which indicates that these structs are Sui objects that you can transfer between addresses. The store ability on the structs provides the ability to appear in other struct fields and be transferred freely.

  • Part 3: Module initializer - A special function that is invoked exactly once when the module publishes.

  • Part 4: Accessor functions - These functions allow the fields of the module's structs to be read from other modules.

After you save the file, you have a complete Move package.

  • Build and Test Packages: Continue this example to build and test your package to get it ready for publishing.
  • Sui Move CLI: Available Move commands the CLI provides.
  • Sui Move Book: A comprehensive guide to the Move programming language and the Sui blockchain.